Payment Splitting

Payment splitting offers employees greater flexibility and control over their finances, helping them manage their money more effectively to achieve their goals. Streamlining payroll processes for employers with PayCaptain’s fully outsourced payroll, payment splitting automates the distribution of funds to multiple accounts, according to employees' preferences. Payment splitting can be set up simply and quickly in the PayCaptain payroll app.

Payroll App

Benefits of payment splitting

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Eliminates risk

Ensures that essential bills are paid on time by sending it direct to the payee.

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Saves time

Eliminates the pain of having to move money around after getting paid.

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Reduces stress

Automatic transfer from net pay gives the employee the confidence their commitments will be met, backed up by clear detail on their online payslips.

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Lets the employee set up automatic payday payments in the app, directly from their net pay.

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Improves financial resilience

Employees can build payroll savings by sending money direct from net pay.

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Improves credit rating

Paying bills on time, managing loans and credit cards and avoiding missed payments all contribute to a healthier credit profile.

Putting employees in control of their pay

Payment splitting direct from PayCaptain’s HMRC-recognised payroll solution promotes financial wellbeing among employees by ensuring essential bills, such as rent, utilities and loan payments are paid on time. Helping employees make payments on time reduces their financial stress and increases their feelings of being valued and supported. When employees aren’t preoccupied with financial worries, they focus better on their work, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

Offering payment splitting as an employee benefit demonstrates the employer cares about their employees’ financial wellbeing, increasing loyalty and reducing staff turnover. Employees appreciate the convenience and peace of mind that comes with payment splitting, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and morale.

Payment splitting from PayCaptain helps them eliminate the risk of missing important payments, while building financial security and increasing independence for the future.

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Start making payroll a breeze

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