Wiktoria Lis MCIPPdip is a Payroll Specialist with more than seven years’ experience in the payroll industry. Prior to joining PayCaptain, Wiki was Payroll Supervisor for an international payroll service provider.
Loving the accomplishment of getting payrolls completed and ensuring employees are paid correctly and on time, she revels in the challenges of payroll and says this enables her to develop her problem-solving skills every day.
Wiki’s responsibilities include processing payrolls and communicating with, and supporting, both customers and employees. She ensures payrolls are completed to schedule, HMRC reporting and information provision is up-to-date and she also processes pension contributions for her customers.
With a Payroll Technician Certificate and a Foundation Degree in Payroll Management, Wiki’s extensive knowledge of both payroll and pensions allows her to support customers and employees in all scenarios. Having worked on payrolls ranging from one to 14,000 employees, she’s able to adapt to each customer’s needs and use her expertise and knowledge to deliver exceptional service and support.